Thanks to your generosity
Little p Project directs funds raised to further pediatric sarcoma research, assist in facilitating studies & trials, improve access & information, and help the desperate families currently fighting this disease.

Little p Project in Action
Little p Project is active on two fronts: In partnership with Children's Oncology Group Foundation, funding pediatric cancer research grants and partnering with local hospitals to financially aid families battling pediatric cancers.
With your support:
2023 - Little p Project funds a $100,000 pediatric cancer research grant and partnered with Primary Children's Hospital on the distribution of $20,000 to families battling sarcoma.
To learn more about the 2023 campaign:
2024 - Little p Project funds $100,000 for a study on DNA methylation and other genomic features in pediatric undifferentiated/unclassified soft tissue sarcomas.
In addition, Little p Project allocated $100,000 to the COG Solid Malignancy (SM) Integrated Translation Science Center (ITSC).
To learn more about the 2024 campaign:
Little p Project Dual Efforts for Pediatric Cancer
Little p Project is active on two fronts: Funding a research grant administered by the Children's Oncology Group Foundation and partnering with Primary Children's Hospital to financial aid family battling pediatric cancers.
Little p Project Empowering COG's Cancer Research
The Children's Oncology Group Foundation enables COG's leadership, comprised of a team of doctors, nurses, laboratory scientists and other allied professionals, the ability to direct the resources raised for childhood cancer research to the areas of highest need and opportunity. The Foundation allows philanthropic funds from individual supporters and organizations to go directly to COG to fund its much needed research. In an era of rapid scientific discovery, this direct link allows COG researchers to respond quickly to new discoveries with the greatest potential to benefit children with cancer.